
Freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks
Freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks

Make sure that your mount point already exists and is owned by the user that is supposed to run trackfs. Make sure that in your host system the file /etc/nf has the option user_allow_other enabled, e.g. Instead it is recommended to let trackfs run as a regular user. If we would have omitted the -root-allowed argument, trackfs would have terminated with a corresponding error message. Running as root does allow trackfs to access any file in your music library, irrespective of its underlying file permissions. While the above is working just fine, it is not the recommended way to use trackfs as it runs trackfs inside the docker container as user root. Please refer to the docker run documentation for more details. -rm: remove the orphaned container after termination.There is onging discussion if docker containers should allow mounting FUSE filesystems, by just using the -device option, but for now this is not the case. You can try to leave out the -security-opt option as it is not required on all systems. -device, -cap-add -security-opt: With those arguments you grant the docker container the privileges required to mount FUSE filesystems.andresch/trackfs: the name of the trackfs docker image on docker hub.-v /path/to/yourmountpoint:/dst:rshared: share the trackfs filesystem ( /dst inside the container) accessible under your mount point.-v /path/to/yourmusiclibrary:/src:ro: make your music library accessible for trackfs by mounting it to /src in read-only mode inside your docker container.

freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks

In case you're not familiar with docker, a quick explanation on the used docker arguments:

freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks

This usually takes (depending on your system) a few seconds. Instead trackfs creates them on the fly whenever an application starts loading any of the track files. While the tracks can be used like regular files, they don't exist in the physical file system on your machine.

Freac hot to read cue sheets and split to individual tracks